Terms of Use

FORTALEZA® hereby presents the Terms of Use and Conditions of Navigation in the Internet Portal, which must be respected by its visitors and users, or face prosecution

for violations.

This Portal is designed to provide information about FORTALEZA® and its products, as well as providing a social networking environment, which gives its users the

opportunity to exchange revenue information and interact as a whole.

For the purposes of this Term of Use, the following definitions and descriptions should be considered for your best understanding:

FORTALEZA®: Name used in these Terms of Use and Navigation Conditions to identify the owner and owner of this Portal, M. DIAS BRANCO SA INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO DE ALIMENTOS, a private legal entity, registered with CNPJ under number 07.206.816 / 0001 -15, with headquarters located in the Municipality of Eusébio, State of Ceará, Highway BR 116,

Km 18, Jabuti, CEP .: 61.760-000.

Antispam: A system that prevents unwanted mail, such as mass advertising, by blocking messages or moving them to a specific folder.

Spider application: Program developed to obtain information stored on the internet, browsing the web like a spider.

Restricted Area: access to the restricted area called Downloads of the site http://www.marcafortaleza.com.br/, which is defined by a unique username and password.

Registration Data: Set of personal information of a visitor in a way that identifies him from others, such as the identity document number (RG or RNE), personal or legal

registration (CNPJ), residential or commercial address, headquarters, full name, among others.

Login: Username chosen by the visitor when filling in the registration for access to exclusive features of the Portal.

Logon: Act of the registered visitor entering the restricted area of ​​the Portal using his login and password.

Layout: Set comprised of appearance, design and portal flows. Link: Terminology for internet address.

Logs: Visitor activity records made on the Portal.

Username: Synonym for login.

Portal: Designates the electronic address http: // www.marcafortaleza.com.br |

Password: Character set that serves as proof of the user’s digital identity, whose knowledge must be unique and unique. Website: Designation for websites.

User: Visitor registered in Portal http: // www.marcafortaleza.com.br/ who has an accessible account.

Visitor: Anyone who browses through the Portal http: // www. Powered by Blogger.

Webmastering: Understanding the creation, programming, development, control and availability of internet pages.

1. Access and Functionality Restrictions:

1.1. This Portal is dedicated to those interested in obtaining information about FORTALEZA® products and using their social network space to share revenue, tips, photos

and videos in a beneficial and profitable way.

1.2. The functionality of the social networking platform will be available only to registered visitors, as they will be in a restricted access area of ​​the Portal, using a

login and password, and access through any other site is prohibited, even if it provides navigation improvements.

1.3. Visitors and users are not allowed to access the Portal’s programming areas, its database or any other set of information that is part of the web mastering activity,

subject to Brazilian criminal law and obligated to repair subsequent damage.

1.4. It is also not allowed to perform or allow reverse engineering, translate, decompile, copy, modify, reproduce, rent, sublicense, publish, divulge, transmit, loan,

distribute or otherwise have the tools to consult this Portal and its features.

1.5. In this Portal it is forbidden to use spider or data mining applications of any type or kind, as well as any other not specified here, acting as a bot, either to

carry out mass operations or for any other purposes, subject to Brazilian criminal law and obligated to repair subsequent damage.

1.5.1. The Portal was developed for personal use, in order to allow greater knowledge of FORTALEZA® and its food products by its visitors, as well as the interaction between registered visitors through its social networking platform, exchanging experiences, tips and sharing content, excepting any other use of the Portal other than


1.6. The Portal does not provide access to the Internet to those who are interested in navigating in their own space, and they are obligated to provide their own means of


2. General Information about the Site and its operation:

2.1. This Portal is presented to the public of the web as available, and may go through ongoing improvements and updates, not obliging FORTALEZA® to maintain a particular

structure or layout, but at its own convenience.

2.2. FORTALEZA® will endeavor to ensure the continued and permanent availability of the Portal, but it may be subject to extraordinary events, such as natural disasters,

failures or collapses in the central communication and internet access systems or actions of third parties, far from its sphere of surveillance and responsibility.

2.3. FORTALEZA® shall not be liable or responsible for any damage, failure or loss in the equipment of visitors or users caused by failures in the system, server or internet connection, even if arising from third-party conduct, including malicious software actions such as viruses, Trojan horses and others that may, in any way, damage the equipment or the connection of visitors and users as a result of access, use or navigation on the Portal, as well as the transfer of data, files, images, texts,

audios or videos contained therein.

2.4. Visitors and users do not have any right to demand the availability of the Portal as best suits them, nor can they claim compensation for repair damages in case this

Portal remains offline, regardless of the reason.

2.5. FORTALEZA® does not have any responsibility for the navigation of visitors and users in the external links contained in the Portal, being incumbent on them to read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the site accessed and to act as indicated. Should any damage or damage occur, the visitors will be primarily responsible, since

safe navigation is in their interest. FORTALEZA® just indicates the link, and the interested party may visit the site or not.

2.6. The login and password data are very personal and cannot be transferred, sold or any other type of transfer of rights of use to anyone.

2.7. FORTALEZA® may, at its sole discretion and convenience, exclude or suspend the access account of a certain user of its Portal, due to suspicion of inaccuracy of information or practice of any illegal act. This faculty does not exempt the visitor from always providing accurate data and acting consistent with the purpose of the

existence of the Portal and his registration in it.

3. Registration of visitors to the Website

3.1. Wishing to use its unique features or make a purchase, the visitor must register in this Portal, providing his personal data as requested and adopting a strong

password for his identification and authentication, creating an access account at the end of the procedure.

3.1.1. When the visitor registers in this Portal, he must provide only true and accurate information, committing himself from then on to keep his data always up to date,

under penalty of responding civilly and criminally, as well as being responsible for any damage caused by the use of incorrect data, or third parties, regardless of fault.

3.1.2. The data required by the FORTALEZA® Portal are:

– Full name


– Date of birth

– Sex

– Landline phone

– Cell phone

– Email address

– State

– City

– Neighborhood


3.2. Registration in the Portal is free, but must be confirmed before the release of access, by link sent to the e-mail address indicated. Registration can only be

performed by individuals who are over 12 (twelve) years old or emancipated.

3.2.1. FORTALEZA® does not recommend in any way that Portal users execute requests not made by a responsible person of legal age.

3.3. When registering, the visitor declares to have full knowledge of this document and, likewise, of the Privacy Policy, available in all links of the Portal, as the

allegation of ignorance will not exempt him from any liabilities or misconduct during the use of the Portal.

3.4. Whenever he deems convenient, the user can change his password and some of the data of his registration through own use of the Portal.

3.5. The user does not need to fill in all the data; However, the access to certain functionalities depends on specific information, marked and indicated in his

registration page according to his navigation.

4. Communication of FORTALEZA® with its visitors and users:

4.1. FORTALEZA® will use as main channel of communication with its users and visitors the e-mail provided in its register to send confirmations of its operations and

requests in the Portal, or even to provide specific data, such as the response to request of a forgotten Password.

4.1.1. The responsibility for receiving the messages is exclusive to the visitor or user; Therefore, it is imperative that he always provide correct and accurate data to

FORTALEZA® and keep it current.

4.1.2. It is also up to the user to configure anti-spam systems so that they do not interfere with the receipt of FORTALEZA® communications and materials, and no excuse

is acceptable if he has not had access to email due to such a lock or similar filter.

5. Privacy of Visitors and Users in the FORTALEZA® Portal:

5.1. FORTALEZA® has its own document, called Privacy Policy, which regulates the treatment given to the registration information and other information and data collected

in this Portal.

5.2. The Privacy Policy is an integral and inseparable part of the Terms of Use and Navigation Conditions of this Portal and can be accessed at the link http://

www.marcafortaleza.com.br/politica-de-privacy/ Default.aspx, found in the footer of the Portal.

5.3. If any provision of the Privacy Policy conflicts with any other of this document, the more specific standard shall prevail.

6. Obligations of the FORTALEZA® Portal:

6.1. FORTALEZA® is obliged to visitors and its users to:

6.1.1. Keep the virtual environment safe, except for a destructive act of a third party that overwhelms its defensive structure, in which case it will not be responsible

for damages resulting from this harmful practice.

6.1.2. Preserve the functionality of the site with unbroken links, using a layout that respects usability and navigability, facilitating navigation whenever possible.

6.1.3. Display the functionalities in a clear, complete, precise and adequate way, so that there is the exact perception of the operations performed.

7. Obligations of the Visitor and User:

7.1. Visitors and users are obliged to conduct their navigation with ethical rectitude, always respecting the conditions that govern the use of the Portal.

7.2. Users must pay attention to the confidentiality and security of their login and password, as this information of the access account determines their digital

identity, imputing to them the authorship of all the acts practiced in their name, even if it is by a third party that has knowledge of these data.

7.3. In the event of any incident regarding the login and password data, such as theft, loss, loss or suspected breach of confidentiality, the registered user must change

his password and immediately notify FORTALEZA® to prevent the occurrence of damages that may be difficult to repair.

7.4. Every user who has an access account in this Portal is obliged to keep his registration data up to date, otherwise he may be civilly and criminally liable for

damages resulting from the imprecision and inaccuracy of the information stored.

7.5. By providing data and information to FORTALEZA®, the visitor and user are obliged to do so always with a commitment of veracity and authenticity. Failing this they

may be liable to legal penalties, to indemnify those who have been harmed and to have the access account of this Portal deleted.

7.6. In the event of damages to the Portal or to third parties, the responsible party undertakes to bear all obligations and indemnify the injured party, and FORTALEZA®

shall not be liable for such damages.

7.7. The user must use the resources of this Portal for the purpose for which it was constituted, under penalty of penalties of the law, to indemnify those who cause harm

and to have the access account of this Portal excluded.

8. Copyright and Intellectual Property of the Portal:

8.1. The commercial use of the expression FORTALEZA® as a trademark, business name or domain name, in addition to the contents of the Portal screens, as well as the programs, databases, networks, files that allow the user to access his account are the property of FORTALEZA ® and are protected by international copyright laws,

trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs.

8.2. By accessing this Portal, the visitor and user declare that he will respect all intellectual property rights and those arising from the protection of trademarks, patents and / or industrial designs, deposited or registered in the name of FORTALEZA®, as well as all rights related to third parties who may be, or have been, in any way, available on the Portal. Simple access to the Portal does not grant them any right to use the names, titles, words, phrases, trademarks, patents, literary, artistic,

musical works, images, data and information, among others, that are or have been made available.

8.3. Reproduction of the contents described above is prohibited, except with the prior written permission of FORTALEZA®, or if it is intended for personal use only and in

no circumstances do visitors and users acquire any rights over them.

8.4. The use of the Portal is prohibited for commercial, advertising or any other purposes that contradict the reason for which it was designed, as defined in this document. Reproduction, distribution and disclosure are forbidden, in whole or in part, of the texts, images and graphics that make up this Portal, without prior and express authorization of FORTALEZA®, are users only allowed to print copies for personal use and files, without separating the parts that allow the faithful and real

understanding of its content and objective.

8.5. Visitors and users assume all civil and / or criminal responsibility for the improper use of the information, texts, graphics, trademarks, works, images, and finally

any intellectual or industrial property rights of this Portal.

8.6. Any other use of material protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property rights, as well as copyright norms, including for editorial, commercial or advertising purposes, may only be done with the prior and express consent of FORTALEZA®. Visitors and users are aware, through this article, that unauthorized commercial

use may incur civil and criminal offenses, as it is in violation of copyright law.

8.7. Any re-use of material protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property rights, as well as copyright regulations, must be re-authorized by FORTALEZA®.

8.8. The authorization to use the requested material cannot be transferred to third parties, even if linked to the authorized subject for some reason.

8.9. The use of the material does not authorize visitors and users to expose third parties to ridicule, create a work of illegal, defamatory, obscene or immoral

character, which may violate morality and good manners, otherwise they will be liable to the penalties applicable by the current legislation.

8-10. Any use not contemplated in said authorization will be considered an infringement of copyright and subject to the penalties applicable in Law 9.610 of February 19,

1998, which protects copyright in Brazil.

8.11. The eventual withdrawal of this Portal, as a result of any claim, any advertisement, article, video, news or photograph reproduced here, should always be understood

as a demonstration of our intention to avoid disapproval on this subject; Never as a recognition of any infringement by FORTALEZA® of a third party right.

8.12. The photos and images used in this Portal may not reflect their original size or current situation of the scenario reproduced, being merely illustrative.

8.13. Except as expressly provided in the agreement between you and FORTALEZA®, users retain the copyrights of the content they already own when they send them to the Website, such as, but not limited to, recipes, photographs, images, comments, suggestions, ideas and notes; However, they grant an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, unrestricted, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, make derivative works, sublicense, editorial, commercial or

otherwise, distribute or display on the Portal, enabling the best use of the tool or illustration of any product or service offered by it.

9. Reporting Channel:

9.1. The Portal will make available a complaint channel to the users of FORTALEZA®, to communicate if they witness or verify inappropriate content on the site, such as:

– Offense to honor, Image, reputation and dignity of others;

– Pornography, pedophilia and other forms of sexual satisfaction;

– Racism or discrimination of any kind;

– Bullying, stalking or any other kind of illegal embarrassment;

– Manifest violation of copyright or image rights;

– Use of trademarks, symbols, logos or emblems of third parties;

– Instigation or apology for the practice of crimes, such as trafficking or use of narcotics, rape, homicide, fraud, among others;

– Commercial activity, promotional or anything suggesting the exercise of economic activity.

9.1.1. The channel for reporting will be secret and will preserve the user’s identity.

10. Customer Service and the visitor and user of the FORTALEZA® Portal:

10.1. FORTALEZA® provides the channels for direct communication with its visitors and users in its Portal, through the links Fale Conosco and SAC, in addition to the

following means of contact:

– SAC – Customer Service, through the telephone 0800 702 5509, which is available from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm; – By e-mail address sac@mdb.com.br or by PO Box

2637 – CEP 60154-970; – Contact Us section of the Portal.

10.2. When sending a question to the section Contact Us or SAC, the visitor or user will receive a faithful copy of the message sent, in order to verify the registration

of the communication.

11. Modifications to these Terms and Conditions:

11.1. These Terms of Use and Conditions of Navigation are subject to constant improvement. Thus, FORTALEZA® reserves the right to modify at any time, unilaterally, this

document and its Privacy Policy.

11.2. By browsing this Portal, the visitor or user agrees to be guided by the Terms and Conditions of Use of the FORTALEZA® Portal and the Privacy Policy that are in

force on the date of use and, therefore, you should check them every time you visit this Portal.

12. General Provisions:

12.1. The tolerance of any non-compliance with any of the clauses and conditions of this instrument shall not constitute a revocation of the obligations set forth herein

and shall not prevent or inhibit its enforceability at any time.

12.2. This Portal runs on official time at the city of Brasilia, Brazil.

13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

13.1. The Terms and Conditions of Use described herein are interpreted in accordance with Brazilian law, in the Portuguese language, and the court of the District of

Fortaleza, Ceará State, is hereby elected to resolve any dispute, question or doubt, with express waiver of any other, even if more privileged.

14. Registration:

14.1. This document can be found in the Register of the 1st and 2nd Office of Notes and Registers, Itaitinga district, located at Av. Coronel Virgílio Távora, no. 58,

Centro, Itaitinga – CE, CEP: 61.880-000.